Monday, April 4, 2011

Day 3

I traveled most of the day yesterday. I did pretty well.

3 - 1/4lb hamburger patties
2 - brats
some sunflower seeds

no workout.

I didn't eat any supper. So I could say I'm on a 15 hour fast.

Saturday I did have some ice cream and beer to celebrate the NCAA final four.

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Day 2

Today I fasted for 16 hours then completed the below WOD in a fasted state. I waited to refeed for an hour after working out. I feel really good. My muscles are a little tired and fatigued from the workout but that's to be expected. All in all, good day 2.

Crossfit fasted
AMRAP 15 minutes
9 deadlift - 155 lbs
12 pushups - hands come off the floor
15 box jumps - full extension, 24" box

3 eggs
olive oil
pork sausage

April Paleo Challenge

My wife and I started a paleo challenge for the month of April. I need to take some pictures but my weight is

193.5 lbs (home scale)

I'll weigh in at crossfit this morning because I think our scale is a few pounds shy.

April 1 food log
7 or 8 oz pork loin

Workout log

1000 m row
50 - 45lb thrusters
30 pullups

500 m row cooldown
15 more pullups