Thursday, December 29, 2011

WOD 12/29/2011

Press OR Bench Press 1-1-1
Back Squat OR Deadlift 1-1-1
What we’re looking for here is to establish a one rep max in two lifts, one upper body and one lower body. Choose your lifts, take sufficient time to warm up each lift up, then go for your max. Make pretty sure you are able to get the first rep; add weight in the 2nd rep; don’t be afraid to fail in the 3rd rep. Record your highest one rep max on the board, and post to comments if you want. We’ll do this again in a half-year or so to see how much stonger we’ve all gotten.
As always, be safe. No ego. Choose loads that are reasonable. Use proper form. It doesn’t have to be pretty, but don’t let it get ugly.
10 pushups
20 overhead walking lunges (45/25) (total)
30 sec plank
AMRAP in 12 minutes
I did the shoulder press today. My max is 140# which i'm really happy about considering my old one was 135. The weight doesn't have to move up a lot just as long as it's going in the right direction.
Deadlift was another exercise I'm extremely happy with today. I lifted 335 which is up 20 30# from my previous. (I thought my max DL was 315 when in reality after some fact finding it was actually 305. I'm very happy with improving my max deadlift by 30#). I did hit 345 once but that was nearly 2 years ago. 
The AMRAP was much more difficult than I had anticipated. I got 5 rounds with 20 reps into my 6th round. The oh walking lunges with a 45# plate over the head is killer on the quads. Awesome but very tiring. 
I'm on a fasted day so far today. This is not a planned fast. I would call it more of an unplanned fast as I want to eat but didn't bring anything to work and I don't want to eat junk. So, I'm fasting.

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

20 deadlifts (245/165)
40 pullups
60 wallballs (20/14)
80 situps
100 double unders
500m row
1 round
I used 185# for my deadlift. I'm still nervous about my back although I think it's just fine. As long as I move around and stretch some during the day, it feels great. I got the first 10 pullups no problem then split them up. The wallballs pretty much sucked. I did 20, 10, 10, 5, 5, 10. It wasn't a bad way to break them up. Next was the DU which sucked really bad. I couldn't find my rhythm today. Usually I can knock out 30-40 in a row and today I was able to tie 10-15 together. Then there is the row. I struggled. I was gassed. I am weak. I haven't been to CF in a week and I know I could do better. It'll get there. 

Monday, December 19, 2011


Push Press 3 - 3 - 3 - 3
175 lb

20 KB swings (45 lb)
20 Pushups
20 Squats
5 rounds

1,000 m row after the WOD

Felt good today. The push press felt really good. I was able to only move one rep of 175. The metcon was good. My pushups struggled a little towards the 3rd set. KB swings also struggled.

My back is getting much better. I feel like I'm almost back to full form. As long as I keep stretching and moving  some here and there during the day I'm good.

Monday, December 12, 2011

Crossfit - 5:30 am
5-5-5 overhead squats

21 OHS
30 DU
15 OHS
40 DU
50 DU

rest 2 minutes and complete as many dead hang pullups as possible.
OHS - 75 lbs 1 or 2 times.

During the workout I used 65 lbs and completed the first 21 and then a few of the next set then I dropped down to 45 lbs. My shoulders and middle section of my back are a little sore now. Not painful I can just tell I used different muscles and forced my shoulders to stretch.

DUs should have been easy but I struggled to get going on the first 30. Once I got to the last set of 50 I powered through all 50 unbroken.

Completed 7 Dead hang pullups
Food log:
2 eggs
few oz of taco meat mixed in to eggs
1/2 Tbsp butter
1 pear
splash of salsa