Friday, November 4, 2011

WOD 2 from the games

9 Deadlift (155 lbs)
12 pushups hands off floor
15 box jumps

Today I didn't do as well as when I did it during the games. I only scored a 251 and before I scored 262. I felt like I was faster this time around but apparently I wasn't. It could have been the pushups and I think I was slower on the box jumps this time. Oh well, it was fun.

Thursday, November 3, 2011


5-5-5-5-5 back squat
I started at 135 and made it to 265. I think I could have done more but wanted to quit since I haven't back squatted for a while.

10 wall ball
10 burpees
AMRAP 10 min
6 rounds 5 wallball

Everything sucked after using so much energy completing the back squat. The endurance was there, I just had a hard time getting the full squat and throwing a 20 pound ball 10 feet in the air.

I took yesterday off so was relatively fresh today.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Games WOD

30 double unders
15 power snatch 75 lbs
AMRAP 10 minutes

I got 5 rounds 25 double-unders. When I did this for the games I scored 241 and today's score is 250. I feel good that I increased by 9 double-unders considering the amount of time I've been in the gym in the last 6 months.

Eating has been pretty good. Last night I faltered with too much beer.