Monday, February 6, 2012

Paleo Update

So my wife and I went through the whole 30 for the month of January. I ended up feeling pretty much awesome. My workouts improved, I slept all night, I felt good and overall was a pleasant experience. My wife didn't feel much of anything different other than she was hungry the entire time.

This last weekend I endulged in a bunch of crap and I feel like I had the flu this morning. My guts were irritated and I felt lethargic. I haven't been able to sleep well the last couple nights either.

My experience is that I must react to gluten pretty heavily. I will be continuing the real food style of eating.

50 KBS (55lbs) then

bear crawl 25 m
20 sit-ups
broad jumps 25 m
20 squats
5 rounds


2 eggs
1/2 Tbsp butter
3 cups coffee
Progenex Recover